Friday, 17 February 2017

Grayson Perry Artwork 🎨

Year 5 enjoyed adding paint to their Grayson Perry pots this afternoon. The children thought carefully about colour and shape to make sure block colours weren't the only pattern they chose. Enjoy your half term everyone!!


Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Year 5 SID 2017 - Safer Internet Day 💻 📱 🖥 🕹

Year 5 took part in a range of Safer Internet Day activities today to help promote staying safe online. Although the class look at different aspects of staying safe online every computing lesson, today reminded the children of key areas and focused on the SID tag line - Be the change: unite for a better internet.

Year 5 also created human letters to help promote the day!




Friday, 3 February 2017

Mapping the school!

Year 5 have been working hard in topic. They have started to map out the school area, thinking about scale, areas and mapping techniques. This was helped by a short walk around the school to remind children of the layout! Finished maps will be published later....