Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Danger Point

Year 5 learnt lots of new facts (and scored 95% on the final test!) at DangerPoint this week. They loved the interactive displays and learnt about the dangers in the home, the local area, roads and train tracks. 






Tuesday, 14 November 2017

DangerPoint Visit

Year 5 learnt lots of new facts (and scored 95% on the final test!) at DangerPoint this week. They loved the interactive displays and learnt about the dangers in the home, the local area, roads and train tracks. 






Tuesday, 26 September 2017

English work

Year 5 continued to look at the book called The Water Tower today. I was really impressed with the combination of nouns and abstract nouns that the children used. They then turned these into sentences to describe how a character might be feeling. 






Monday, 18 September 2017

Holiday Homework

Year 5 created some super holiday homework...


















Thursday, 13 July 2017

Year 5 Music Workshop 🎹🎼

Year 5 had a super music workshop with Mr Clark this morning. The children learnt about different songs and then moved onto a famous 'Mr Clark music quiz'!  After the music quiz, the children learnt about pentatonic scales.  Finally, they composed music to existing words using the pentatonic scale. 




Saturday, 20 May 2017

It's time to leave

On our final day The Year 5 Fanatics did some body zorbing and then they were all presented with certificates. 

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Sensory trail!

What a great example of teamwork! The children were all blindfolded and they had to support each other around an obstacle course.....they might have got a little bit wet as well 😀

Aerial trek!

What a brave group! We've just been 30m in the air navigating an aerial obstacle course!

Sensory trail