Thursday, 30 June 2016

Conquest and initiative exercises

Today we played laser quest in a huge inflatable and had great fun! We also went down on the big field and took part in some team games. 

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Mini Olympics

Today, year 5 and 6 took part in a mini Olympics together. We competed against each other in some very amusing races and competitions! 

Climbing take 2!


Year 5 went climbing today in the sunshine! 


Year 5 entered the vortex today to try to beat Mrs Mainwaring. They had to collect tickets and post them through the door! 


Mrs Mainwaring and her group went for an adventure into the caves within Condover Hall. 

Abseiling part 1

Tree climbing

This morning, year 5 discovered a huge tree and straight away began to climb!!!

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

We've arrived!!!!

I'm More photos later (when we have had chance to upload as the wifi isn't great). Year 5 have been problem solving, abseiling and launching rockets over the afternoon. A lovely dinner of pasta, chicken and donuts was eaten and now we are relaxing before our evening quiz.