Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Please come to make loom bands!

We have worked today on invitations for our parents to come in to help us make some challenging loom bands. We discussed what makes a good invitation and ensured we included enough information.

Have a look and see if you think we met our objective! 

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Loom! Loom! Loom!

The week is here!!!!! This week we shall do lots of activities linked to.....


That was the overwhelming favourite in class and we began sharing some ideas last week. We will be inviting parents in on Thursday morning to share their skills! Check back soon for Miss Ogden and Miss Kelly's first attempt! 

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Pupil Choice

I am hoping many of you will read this....our pupil choices are: 

Loom bands
World Cup

What do you think??? Let me know tomorrow and don't forget this picture!!!! 

Friday, 27 June 2014

Pupil choice

Miss Ogden has been having a good think and wondered whether her class wanted to do something about loom bands for pupil choice....

Let's see how many of you are reading the blog; come and let me know your opinion on Monday!!!!!

Rousseau art

As our topics is all about the rainforests, Mrs Clements, Miss Kelly and Miss Turner have worked with us to produce a fantastic replica of a famous Rousseau painting. We had to select a range of coloured paper and investigated ways to curl it. Then we decided to use pastels to create a sky that was a blend of different colours; we are really proud-have a good look!!

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Banning residential visits????

Today in Year 5, we had a visit from one of our governors, Mrs Eyre, who works at UCEA. She came to observe a literacy lesson where we were debating the question:

Should residentials be banned? 

At first, we were having a general chat but it soon got quite serious! We split into two groups so we could look at both points of view. 

One group of girls even managed to persuade Mrs Eyre to tell the Governors at their next meeting that residentials have too big an impact on school! This was met with looks of horror from all of Year 5! 

Stay tuned to find out how we get on with Mrs Webb over the next few days! 

Friday, 20 June 2014

Music Workshop

Today we had a fantastic day with Year 6 and Mr Clark. We decided that we wanted to write a new school song and spent the day working on this. First, we worked on learning about how musicians go about writing a song; we looked at different examples and then Mr Clark taught us about major and minor chords. 

After playtime, we thought of lyrics to describe our school and looked at rhyming patterns. 

Finally, Mr Clark worked over lunch time and composed the melody and we worked on verse 2 and the bridge. We are going to spend the next few weeks learning the song before we perform it for  everyone at the end of the year!

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Awards Ceremony

After a morning of playing games and getting dirty, we have had an awards ceremony 😃 A
ll the children received an award for being outstanding in all activities! We are on our way home soon!!

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Low Ropes

In the sweltering sun, we did low ropes and worked well in our threes. Our challenge was to complete the course with a cup of water on our heads; I'm sure some were tipped just to cool us down! 

The Laser Maze!

We also had to pretend we were some pretty cool agents; there was a laser maze in front of us and we had to attempt to get from one side to the other! Quite a challenge! 

The Vortex!

Year 5 boldly entered the vortex to see whether they could beat it! They had to be sealed into a tube and collect as many coloured tokens as they could in 45 seconds along with doing some funky dancing!

A little rest...

A game of sleeping lions was a much needed break! They were soon woken from their slumber by a sudden shower that arrived 😉


We have ventured into the woods near to the main house to find out how Bear Grylis survives in the wilderness! We are making small fires (supervised of course) and small dens to sleep in! Miss Ogden has decided we might have to stay here if we don't behave!

Mini Olympics

This morning, all the groups are working together to take part in an Olympic event! We definitely have some future all stars here!!!

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


Miss Ogden and her group are doing orienteering around Convover Hall!! this involves a lot of running!!

Problem solving

Mrs Thorn and her group are just off to solve some challenging problems! These involve rescuing toxic waste, crossing a mine field and some very annoying towers! Let's hope they all survive!!! 

Indoor laser quest

This morning has been fantastic so far! All the children, and Mr Bullen and Miss Ogden, have been playing indoor laser quest. It is a large inflatable course and the children run around on two teams. 
I have to say, the children's behaviour so far has been impeccable and we are exceptionally proud of them! Here are our two deadly assassins....the top scorers! 

Monday, 16 June 2014


After a delicious meal of pizza, turkey pie and salad, we have headed into the woods for a campfire!! Some very tired children on the climb up here!!! 

Our first team leader!!!!

We had to select a leader to listen to, he decided to take notes to help him! 

Teamwork through the spider's web!!!

Miss Ogden was exceptionally pleased with our teamwork! We talked and listened well; our plan worked! 

Arrived at Condover!

A bunch of excited children have just arrived at Condover and are currently having a tour!!! We were very impressed with the mansion and our rooms! More photos to follow!